Pawan Kalyan is teaming up with Sujeeth for a massive action drama backed by DVV Danayya under DVV Entertainment, the banner behind the Oscar-winning film RRR. The film’s first schedule commenced on April 15 in Mumbai, while the lead star joined the shoot earlier this week. Much to the surprise of fans, the makers came up with a surprising update on the film today.
Priyanka Mohan, who has made a mark with her performances in Doctor, Don, and Sreekaram, has been finalised to play the female lead. The actress enjoys a huge fan following on social media and is often praised for her looks and the panache with which she carries herself. Film buffs are excited beyond imagination to see Pawan Kalyan and Priyanka Mohan on the screen together.
Meanwhile, several action sequences and key scenes featuring the lead actors are being canned in the first schedule of the much-awaited film that will progress till the end of the month (in Mumbai and nearby locations). Director Sujeeth is leaving no stone unturned to deliver an uncompromising action spectacle.
The film, to be mounted on a lavish scale, has cinematography by Ravi K Chandran. AS Prakash handles the production design, and S Thaman is the composer. Other details about the film will be shared shortly.