Retired Judge Justice Seshasayana Reddy’s Commission on Tuesday questioned Telugu Desam Party (TDP) leaders Inturi Nageswara Rao and Inturi Rajesh in the Kandukuru stampede incident on Tuesday. As the TDP leaders asked for some time, the commission officials postponed the inquiry to February 15.
TDP chief Nara Chandrababu Naidu organized a huge public meeting in Kandukuru of Nellore district on December 28 as part of the ‘Idem Kharma- Mana Rashtratik’ programme. A stampede took place as thousands of people came to that meeting, and unfortunately, 8 people died in the stampede. Regarding that incident, the state government has ordered a judicial inquiry. To this extent, the High Court has formed a commission headed by retired judge Justice Seshasayana Reddy.
On Tuesday the Kandukur TDP leaders attended the inquiry. The leaders told the media that the investigation continued for almost two hours. The leaders said that the commission has investigated the issue of why more flex banners were set up than the permissible number. They said that the commission officials told them to come again on February 15. Telugu Desam leader Inturi Rajesh stated that after visiting the place where the incident happened, based on the details obtained, the commission questioned us, he said. Later, the commission asked if we have copies of the details the commission has.
“As we don’t have any information, we asked for some time to be given which the commission agreed to,” they said.