Sunday, September 8, 2024

Providing interdisciplinary mental health services for CISF and Railways

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Realising the challenge that lies in repairing innate conditioning and encouraging people to seek help, there is the Mpower Foundation. This week, The Pioneer brings to you information about the foundation from our interaction with the founder.
A ground-breaking social project that, through raising awareness, reducing stigma, and offering comprehensive mental health care, has completely changed the way our nation views mental health.
Since its founding six years ago, it has directly taught over 200 mental health professionals, impacted over 121 million people, and provided interdisciplinary mental health services. With locations in seven cities, including Mumbai, Bengaluru, Kolkata, and Pune, as well as the Mpower Cells at JERC University in Jaipur, Pilani, Goa, Kalyan, and Hyderabad, it is well-equipped with cutting-edge technology to meet the needs of mental health professionals and patients alike.
“We empower all types of clients; the most peculiar aspect of our hotline is that we have licensed psychologists available around the clock. Furthermore, I’m not sure if there is another helpline that is practically nonstop. The number of distress calls is only rising daily, and as we all know, the WHO has officially recognized loneliness as a health issue. That’s an additional facet of our empowerment about mental wellness. There is a stigma now that stretches from urban to rural areas, and communicating our thoughts to them presents unique difficulties,” said Parveen Shaikh, Vice President of Operations of the foundation.
Through the movement in this vertical, we aim to dispel myths, promote positive attitudes, disseminate accurate information, and lessen the stigma associated with mental diseases in order to effect a cultural shift and transformation in people’s minds. World-class centers of excellence also offer clinical treatment by exceedingly knowledgeable and competent mental health specialists who can be generically categorized into three groups: the cell, the foundation, and the center. The foundation then enables those with psychosocial challenges to live meaningful lives free from social isolation and offers affordable, high-quality mental health care to the impoverished.
Curious to learn more details, the entrepreneur went on, “We are also managing project Samvedna. In government hospitals, psychiatrists will be available as part of this program. With every program we conduct, our primary goal is to persuade people to stop stigmatizing mental health and to begin treating it as a legitimate issue. However, we are working on a project in Oorja that involves the pupils. Therefore, we have taught the teachers to recognize the pupils’ behavioral patterns so they may recognize, at a glance, that the student is experiencing, or is hinting at, a mental health condition. It’s true that the epidemic contributed to mental health issues!”
We observed how one initiative in the organization’s trajectory led to another project when reviewing the foundation’s profile. The founder expressly attributes it to the unit’s kindness, as they strive nonstop to carry out not one but three tasks. The originality? Well, the emphasis on the CISF personnel’s high level of responsibility also caused us to consider the foundation’s uniqueness.
“It may be my personal bias, but I love the CISF personnel posted across the country,” the founder went on. I enjoy working on this project the most out of all of them. Leading one project to another was necessary since my team and I realized the value of the CISF unit while working nonstop for the Mumbai police, particularly during the epidemic and during security checks at national airports. I was told by a senior official in the unit—who I will not name for obvious reasons—that the majority of my team members are extremely busy working around the clock at the airports. We could feel how serious it was. Data confirms that throughout the pandemic, officials din’t receive holidays as well, and worse for the majority of them, they had to be at their bases alone.”
The CISF personnel’s longer duty hours caused serious disturbances to family life. The initiative was necessary because the lack of a family member on duty caused emotional pressure that affected relationships and family dynamics as a whole. Parental roles were especially affected because it was difficult for them to participate in family activities and complete their parental responsibilities.
Examining the significance of culturally sensitive mental health interventions, with an emphasis on comprehending and respecting regional beliefs, cultures, and practices in rural settings, panchayats serve as the torchbearers of culturally sensitive mental health solutions. Project Saksham is another collaborative effort that aims to support and counsel women who have experienced violence, rape, molestation, or any similar offense while delving into the idea of mental resilience and discussing strategies and tools that survivors employ to fortify their mental well-being! By outlining many methods and strategies that trauma survivors can apply in their everyday lives, this article provides a useful toolkit for handling symptoms of stress, anxiety, and trauma.
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