Actor Allu Arjun is having a blast in Dubai, celebrating his new achievement with his family members. He is adding many firsts to his feathers – becoming the first Telugu actor to win a National Award, becoming the first South actor to get 25 million followers on Instagram, and now being the first Telugu actor to have his wax statue at Madame Tussauds Dubai. That being said, an update about his most ambitious project, Pushpa: The Rule, is long awaited. After a glimpse video released on his birthday in 2023, no update from the film was officially announced except for shooting schedules.
As the actor is soon to celebrate his birthday on April 8, sources say that the teaser from Pushpa: the Rule is likely to be unveiled on the day.
The film is heading for a grand theatrical release worldwide in August, and a teaser four months before the release is the least expected by his fans and audience.
Busy shooting the final parts of the film, it is most likely that a teaser will be released on his birthday.
Directed by Sukumar, Rashmika Mandanna, Fahadh Faasil will reprise their roles in the second part.
It is said that Pushpa 2 will be bigger and better and Sukumar is told to have written a brilliant story where Allu Arjun and Fahadh will have tug of war and their combination scene will blow away peoples minds—well, not literally.
As the actor is soon to celebrate his birthday on April 8, sources say that the teaser from Pushpa: the Rule is likely to be unveiled on the day.
The film is heading for a grand theatrical release worldwide in August, and a teaser four months before the release is the least expected by his fans and audience.
Busy shooting the final parts of the film, it is most likely that a teaser will be released on his birthday.
Directed by Sukumar, Rashmika Mandanna, Fahadh Faasil will reprise their roles in the second part.
It is said that Pushpa 2 will be bigger and better and Sukumar is told to have written a brilliant story where Allu Arjun and Fahadh will have tug of war and their combination scene will blow away peoples minds—well, not literally.