Many are eagerly awaiting updates on the film collaboration between Rajamouli and Mahesh Babu. Typically, Rajamouli announces details about his projects before they begin, but this time, he has remained tight-lipped about the upcoming film with Mahesh. Although the film was officially launched a few days ago, many assumed that the shooting had already begun. However, Rajamouli recently took to social media to share a humorous video where he captures a lion and takes its passport. This video quickly sparked a flood of memes. Since Mahesh Babu is known for his frequent family trips throughout the year, the video humorously suggests that Rajamouli has taken Mahesh’s passport to put an end to his holiday plans, signaling that the shooting of the film is about to begin. Both Mahesh Babu and Priyanka Chopra responded to the video with witty comments. Mahesh Babu shared a dialogue from Pokiri, saying, “Okkasari commit aithe naa maata nene vinanu” (Once I commit, my word is final). Priyanka Chopra responded with “Finally,” further fueling excitement. In her earlier posts, she had also hinted at the film, referring to it as a “new chapter.” There is another interpretation of Rajamouli’s video. The lion being caged and the passport being shown could symbolize the team preparing to leave for South Africa, known for its safaris, with everyone ready with their passports for the upcoming travel. With all these signs pointing toward it, Rajamouli is all set to begin shooting soon.