According to recent reports, Ranveer Singh and HanuMan director Prasanth Varma are in negotiations for a hugely expensive period picture that will be set against the backdrop of Indian mythology. The producers also stated that they were in talks with other studios to include them in the project and that a formal announcement will be made after the finances were established. With confidence, we can now say that Prasanth Varma, Ranveer Singh, and Mythri have joined forces as producers and are prepared to begin production on the film.
People with knowledge of the development claim that Rakshas is the working title for the upcoming movie starring Prasanth Varma and Ranveer Singh. This scene takes place in the Prasanth Varma Cinematic Universe, where the director introduces a lot of characters before bringing them all together in the finale. A source close to the production claims that Ranveer is amazed by his director’s long-term vision and hopes for the aspirations, and he is excited to embark on the journey of Rakshas shortly.
After completing the pre-visualisation stage of the screenplay and script, the creators are currently planning the shooting schedule. According to the insider, “Ranveer has already performed a pooja for the film on the occasion of Hanuman Jayanti in Hyderabad and has met Prasanth Varma and the team multiple times over the last few weeks.”