Saturday, July 27, 2024

Sanjay raises doubts about Govt’s stand on white ration cards

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Expressing doubts about the Congress government stating that white ration cards are a must for getting the benefits of the 6-guarantees, BJP General Secretary Bandi Sanjay Kumar asked the government to reveal its stand on new ration cards.
Sanjay said that around 10 lakh applications are pending for white ration cards across the state and that one lakh more people are ready to apply for new ration cards.
He demanded that the government should accept applications for new white ration cards and give the benefits of the 6-guarantees even to people applying for new white ration cards.
Speaking to the media on Monday, Sanjay welcomed the schedule announced by the Congress government to accept applications from the public for implementing the 6-guarantees. He appealed to the government to make all political parties part of the process to identify beneficiaries.
Sanjay asked the Congress government to reveal how it is going to raise funds for implementing the 6-guarantees. The government should explain how Telangana which is now saddled with debts of Rs 6 lakh crore will be developed, he said.
Sanjay asked the government to reveal why it is funding the Tablighi Jamaat, which has been banned by many Muslim countries and added that Covid had spread in the initial stages because of the Tablighi Jamaat. “What is the objective behind funding an organisation that helps terrorists?” he said.
Sanjay demanded that the government should withdraw funds given to the Tablighi Jamaat immediately and made it clear that law and order problems will arise if such organisations are encouraged.
He demanded that the Congress government should identify beneficiaries of its 6-guarantees before the LS polls. He also appealed to the Congress government not to limit accepting applications like the BRS government citing elections. The BRS deceived the people by making them believe its false promises and so the people defeated it, he said and asked the Congress government not to repeat such things.
He appealed to BJP activists to make all those eligible to apply for the 6-guarantees to apply for them.
He also appealed to the Congress government to implement the 6-guarantees within 100 days as per its assurance and demanded that the government must make it clear when it will provide the 6-guarantees to people seeking new ration cards as the government had linked its 6-guarantees with white ration cards.
Sanjay said that the arrogance of KTR has not yet decreased even though the people threw out the BRS. KTR is still having delusions of power and his body language indicates that, he pointed out.
Criticising KTR for claiming that his BRS government had created assets worth Rs 50 lakh crore, Sanjay asked KTR to explain to why the BRS government sold public lands.
“Why did it fail to pay salaries to government employees in time?” he asked and added that the KCR family might have acquired assets worth Rs 50 lakh crore in the name of Telangana and invested that abroad.
Reacting to the Rs 130 crore golmaal in Smart City, Sanjay said that the BJP has been pointing this out but the state government did not order an inquiry into it. The BJP is happy as the present government responded, he said and added that they will continue to struggle till the government takes action against those who engaged in irregularities.

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