Shalini, the former actor and wife of Tamil superstar Ajith Kumar, recently caused concern among fans after sharing a picture from the hospital on her Instagram. The photo, which quickly went viral on social media, shows Shalini dressed in beige hospital scrubs with black dots, lying in a hospital bed. She is seen holding Ajith Kumar’s hand, her hair tied back in an updo, and wearing hospital wristbands. Ajith Kumar is seated next to her in a blue striped shirt. Alongside the picture, Shalini expressed her affection with the caption, “Love you forever.”
The image has sparked worry among her followers, accumulating over 158K likes. Concerned fans flooded the comments section, with one asking, “Any problem, Shalini?” Another fan praised their enduring relationship, commenting, “Evergreen Couple of Kollywood,” while a third sent well wishes, saying, “Get well soon, Shalini ma’am.”
Meanwhile, Ajith Kumar is currently occupied with his film Vidaa Muyarchi, filming in Azerbaijan alongside Trisha. Reports suggest he hurried back to Chennai upon learning of Shalini’s health condition.