NBK108 is progressing in full swing, and the makers have been regularly releasing updates related to the film. Now, comes another one. According to the latest updates, actress Shruti Sodhi will be doing a special number with Nandamuri Balakrishna in the film. Shruti made her debut into the entertainment industry with Kalyan Ram’s Pataas.
It is known that Anil Ravipudi made his debut as a director with Pataas. Now with NBK108, Anil Ravipudi is determined to show Balakrishna in a completely different role, and he has created numerous variations for his role in the film. The film stars Kajal Agarwal as the female lead while Sree Leela is doing an important role.
Thaman is scoring music for the film while Baahubali fame Nora Fatehi is doing a negative role.
Balakrishna will be seen delivering dialogues in Telangana accent.