Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Speed up opening of RRR Knowledge Centre, officials told

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Vijayawada Municipal Corporation Commissioner Swapnil Dinakar Pundkar has directed officials to expedite the opening of the Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle (RRR) Knowledge Centre at the Garbage Transfer Station in Ajith Singh Nagar. This centre aims to educate the public, particularly students, on solid waste management and the creation of useful items from waste materials.
During his visit to the RRR Knowledge Centre on Saturday, Commissioner Pundkar stressed the importance of making the facility accessible to the public as soon as possible. He highlighted that the centre’s primary goal is to visually demonstrate waste management processes through 3D models to students, children, and the general public. These models will include flower waste management, windrow composting, vermicomposting, bio-methanation plants, integrated solid waste management plants, mini tree waste processing units, mattress waste processing units, and C&D (construction and demolition) waste recycling units.

The centre will also feature video games designed to educate students and children on waste management, making learning both engaging and informative.

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