Actor Vijay Antony’s latest venture, Toofan, is generating significant buzz ahead of its grand release. Produced by Kamal Bora, D. Lalitha, B. Pradeep, and Pankaj Bora under the Infinity Film Ventures banner, this film marks their third collaboration with Vijay Antony, following the successful releases of Raghavan and Hathya.
Directed by Vijay Milton, Toofan is poised to captivate audiences with its unique blend of poetic action and compelling storytelling. The film promises to deliver an engaging and fresh cinematic experience.
Scheduled for a worldwide theatrical release on August 9, Toofan is being distributed by Sree Siri Sai Cinemas. The new unveiled sneak peek has already garnered a tremendous response, further heightening anticipation for the film’s debut.