A person’s life is made up of many aspects and contributing factors. But the most important element is career choice that people make at the right time. When a person is satisfied with his/her work, he/she harbours feelings of contentment which reflects in company productivity as well as day to day life. Hence, choosing right career path is a vital aspect of one’s life is based on individual’s interests, abilities and skills. Though there are many important factors in choosing a career, the most vital factor would be going along with passion.
Many people are afraid to follow their dreams and hence end up with mediocre life. So, don’t let the opinions of others influence career decision making. Picking up a career to earn money might help receive handsome pay cheques, but the right career choice will lead to much greater heights in terms of happiness and success. Hence, enjoying career is more important than earning a high salary or flashy title. A person’s career has a big impact on his/her future and it will shape identity, personal fulfilment, lifestyle, income, family and retirement. As research reports affirm that about fifty per cent of adult life is spent at workplace. Therefore, career that people choose is important to lead a comfortable life Choosing the right career can make a difference in personal and professional life. So, selecting a right career path is crucial to lead a happy life.
Career choice should not be based on any particular model or concept. One should choose his/her career on the basis of his/her interest in a specific filed. A career is not something that is limited to the 9 to 5 routine, rather it eventually becomes a lifestyle of that person. Individuals who make the right career choices seem to thrive and prosper more in their life compared to people who might have just followed the trend. Hence, career planning is essential to ensure a successful and enriching work life. When looking for a bright career, personal fulfilment should be considered, but it should not overshadow the need for money. Since career takes up a substantial portion of every day, it is quite natural that it will affect on emotional and mental well-being. If an individual is not enjoying work, there will be a potential risk of developing work stress that might extend to personal life.
The Colleges can provide students with ample opportunities to start professional career. During college days, it is important to focus on career aspirations, plan for the future and students should take suggestions from academic coaches and mentors that can help propel in chosen field. Visualising career goals is a prudent way to start, and making meaningful decisions throughout the career. By doing enough research and planning, students can find a career path that suits their skills, talents, and interests. Keep upgrading skills through learning, reading and trainings as the job market requires expertise in every niche.
Research the job market and find out the skills are on demand in future. A wrong career choice can also increase the investment cost of a student in his/her education. Every time when a student’s career vision oscillates, it calls for unnecessary expenditure.
Most of the students invest huge amount of money and time in getting clarity over their career choice. They keep changing their subjects, even after having done majors in a particular subject they end up choosing a totally different profession.
Goal-oriented students who know where they are heading in life can settle into an interesting, lucrative career after successfully completing their degree.People want to choose a career that will make them happy, but choosing a right career is not easy. Understanding how career actually works is the first step to mastering it. Choosing the right career path is certainly challenging and demanding. However, all it needs sheer fortitude and open mind.
Having a well-defined career objective helps people in landing the right job. Hard work, planning and self-reflection are the three crucial factors, which help setting on a successful and fulfilling career path.
Research suggests that human beings are not good at predicting demand for job market. Professional career counsellors help guide people in the process of making career decisions. They will administer specialised questionnaires and tests to help people identify and evaluate their interests, strengths and weaknesses, and goals. Pursuing job exclusively for money, life becomes mechanical.
However, if people choose to follow their passion, they can truly enjoy what they do. Though money is essential to meet financial needs but that will temporarily make happy. So, instead of chasing the money, follow passion to reach highest rung in the life ladder.
(The writer is Assistant Professor Department of Commerce PB Siddhartha College of Arts & Science, Vijayawada)
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