PlotJoy Bag (Manoj Bajpayee), a crime reporter at a news organisation called Despatch, finds himself at a crossroads as print media struggles to stay...
In the realm of cinema, actors often delve into real-life narratives to bring compelling stories to the screen. Let's explore the captivating performances of...
Producer Vinod Bhanushali has had his own fair share of big-ticket films and festivals. In an exclusive chat with The Pioneer, this renowned producer...
Renowned actor Manoj Bajpayee, who has given us some path-breaking performances, speaks to The Pioneer over an exclusive chat about his upcoming film Bandaa,...
Shikha Duggal
With immense calibre, and quite evident with the current buzz he’s creating with his upcoming project Michael, Tollywood actor Sundeep Kishan has total...
The Devashish Makhija directed Joram, a survival-thriller about a displaced indigenous man is made in collaboration with Makhijafilm - an independent production house jointly...
Recently, US based entertainment production house Lonestar films announced its first Hindi feature film titled 'Cancer'. The film starring Sharib Hashmi and Aahana Kumra...