Nandamuri Kalyanram, has announced the epic fantasy thriller Bimbisara 2 under his NTR Arts banner, promising an exciting prequel.Known for his knack for unique...
All excited for his upcoming film, Devil: The British Secret Agent, which is nearing its release, actor Nandamuri Kalyanram speaks to the media here...
In the movie Devil, Maaya Chesave song beautifully portrays the journey of love between the hero (Kalyanram) and the heroine (Samyuktha Menon).
The film is...
Nandamuri Kalyanram is known for his knack in selecting unique scripts right from the beginning of his career is bringing another interesting film. The...
Nandamuri Kalyanram is known for his knack in selecting unique scripts right from the beginning of his career and is bringing another interesting film.The...
Nandamuri Kalyanram is known for his knack in selecting unique scripts right from the beginning of his career is bringing another interesting film. The...