Aarti SreenathPlot:A wave of vicious and seemingly arbitrary killings has instilled fear in the city of Hyderabad. SI Brinda (played by Trisha) and her...
Trisha Krishnan's upcoming crime thriller Brinda has unveiled its teaser, sending chills down the spine. This highly anticipated series, slated for release on August...
Anjali's captivating web series Bahishkarana has unveiled its stunning teaser, promising an enthralling narrative that will stream on ZEE5 starting July 19. Directed by...
The anticipation surrounding the forthcoming emotional thriller Arambam has surged to new heights with the release of its captivating first look poster. Produced by...
Mohan Bhagath, Supritha Satyanarayan, Bhushan Kalyan, and Ravindra Vijay are playing key roles in the movie Arambam. This movie is being produced by Abhishek...