Chiranjeevi was bestowed with the prestigious Padma Vibhushan Award on Thursday, January 24, joining the distinguished list of five individuals recognized for their exceptional...
Presented by hero Navdeep C-Space, Ravi Mahadasyam and Vishika Laxman are starring in the film Sagileti Katha. Set in rural Rayalaseema, the film is...
Director Ram Gopal Varma unveiled the much-anticipated teaser of his latest film, Vyuham, on Wednesday. The movie, set against the elections under...
Vyuham, based on the political situation in Andhra Pradesh, juggling between the malicious narratives of politicians is up for its release soon. The film...
Pawan Kalyan is busy with back-to-back programs and political events. AT regular intervals, he is holding the programs and targets the ruling party leaders....