In the world of entertainment, collaborations often bring together artists from diverse backgrounds, resulting in creative synergies that captivate audiences. Recently, two notable names...
The anticipation is building as Bollywood superstar Urvashi Rautela and popular YouTuber Elvish Yadav come together for a sizzling new music video titled "Hum...
Urvashi Rautela has once again etched her name in the annals of history. The stunning actress achieved an extraordinary milestone by becoming the first...
Recently, Paris witnessed a wave of protests and riots that disrupted the city's usual tranquility. Among those caught in the chaos was Bollywood actress,...
Now is definitely a very exciting time for Indian cinema with world’s attention on them and the well-deserved international acclaim. Before the jubilation for...
The news about actress Urvashi Rautela joining the cast of Rishab Shetty’s Kantara 2 are reportedly “baseless and untrue.”
Urvashi on Saturday had announced on...
Shikha Duggal
The upcoming Tollywood debutant Urvashi Rautela, like others, had her dream country too, and she has crossed it off her bucket list. Wondered...