Nandamuri Balakrishna and filmmaker Bobby have collaborated on an untitled action film, which wrapped up its lengthy production cycle in Rajasthan. The team has...
Urvashi Rautela has now officially signed a big-ticket blockbuster magnanimous project with director Shankar, who's earlier worked with superstar Rajinikanth and many more. For...
As the nation rejoices in the auspicious occasion of the Ayodhya Temple Pran Prathishtaa, the atmosphere is filled with spiritual fervor and cultural resonance....
Urvashi Rautela who is soaring heights in the tollywood industry by giving back-to-back major hits, the actress who has worked with Tollywood’s superstars Chiranjeevi...
Actor Urvashi Rautela lost her iPhone during the India-Pakistan World Cup match in Ahmedabad on October 14, Saturday. She was among the thousands of...
In the world of entertainment, collaborations can often lead to remarkable outcomes. One such collaboration that has taken the internet by storm features the...