Chief Minister Revanth Reddy on Monday called on Governor CP Radhakrishnan amid buzz about an imminent Cabinet expansion. The Chief Minister met Radhakrishnan at the Raj Bhavan from 12:45 pm to 2:55 pm. The meeting assumed significance given the Cabinet expansion which is likely in the next few days. The Chief Minister had visited New Delhi last week and had discussed Cabinet expansion with the Congress brass. The names of five to six ministers have been reportedly finalised. Many hopefuls of Cabinet berths have been waiting for the expansion since the last six months. Revanth and his 11 Cabinet colleagues had taken oath on December 7, 2023. The state can have a maximum of 18 Ministers including the Chief Minister. The Chief Minister is also understood to have briefed the Governor on the Bills to be tabled in the Assembly in the upcoming Budget session. The issues of nominated MLCs also reportedly came for discussion. In March, the High Court had quashed the nomination of M. Kodandaram and Amer Ali Khan as Members of the Telangana State Legislative Council in the Governor’s Quota. The High Court also quashed the Governor’s order dated September 19, 2023, rejecting the nomination of BRS leaders Sravan Dasoju and K. Satyanarayana. The then Governor Dr Tamilisai Soundararajan had rejected the nomination of Sravan Dasoju and Satyanarayana. Challenging the Governor’s orders, the BRS filed writ petitions in the High Court. Following the High Court’s order, they appealed to the Governor to appoint them as MLCs.