Union Tourism Minister G. Kishan Reddy said that Telangana is getting due respect for its historical, cultural and heritage from Prime Minister Modi’s government. He said that the Centre had allotted around Rs 610 crore for the renovation of spiritual centres and historical buildings in TS.
In a statement on Tuesday, Kishan said that they were protecting all heritage buildings from the days of the Kakatiyas to the Nizams.
He said that guided by the slogan ‘Vikas Bhi, Virasat Bhi’ the Centre has been preserving the culture, traditions and arts along with development. Special programmes will be held on this year’s World Heritage Day on the theme ‘Heritage Changes,’ he said.
Kishan said the Centre is trying to preserve the historical and heritage assets of Telangana while celebrating ‘World Heritage Day.’
Extending greetings on World Heritage Day, Kishan said that the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) has decided to organize this year’s Heritage Day as per the theme ‘Heritage Changes.’
The theme is based on how to work in traditional ways to preserve heritage buildings in changing climate conditions. Accordingly, the Union Ministry of Culture is also taking steps to preserve our heritage buildings, he said.
Kishan said that the Centre is trying hard to preserve the vibrant Telangana culture and traditions for future generations.
“Today, I would like to inform the Telangana public about the details of World Heritage Day. As part of the ‘Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav’ celebrations the Centre organised ‘Telangana Liberation Day Celebrations’ for the first time in history on the occasion of completing 75 years of Independence. This is proof of the Centre’s sincerity towards Telangana. These celebrations will be held throughout Telangana this year. Reflecting the slogan ‘Ek Bharat, Shresth Bharat’, we organised ‘Rashtriya Sankshatri Mahotsav’ in Warangal and Hyderabad,” he said.