ZEE5, India’s largest home-grown video streaming platform, released the trailer of its latest direct to digital film ‘Mrs Undercover’. Starring Radhika Apte in and as Mrs. Undercover, the film also stars Sumeet Vyas, Rajesh Sharma and Saheb Chatterjee in pivotal roles and is an entertaining spy comedy with Radhika in lead. Directed and written by debutant director, Anushree Mehta and produced by B4U Motion Pictures in association with Jaadugar Films and Knight Sky Movies, the ZEE5 original film is set to premiere on 14th April 2023.
As seen in the trailer, Durga (played by Radhika Apte) is a clumsy housewife who moonlights as a spy in this hilarious film. Recruited by the Special Force, she is called back on the job after 10 years. However, in these 10 years, she has forgotten all about being an undercover agent as she dedicated all her time to being ‘just’ a housewife, taking care of her mother-in-law, father-in-law, son and a demanding patriarchal husband.
Infact, when her husband (Saheb Chatterjee) is asked about what she does, he replies that she doesn’t do anything and that she is just a housewife. Via Durga’s character, the movie conveys an important messageand ends with a realization that a housewife is a superwoman in the truest of senses and is never ‘just’ a housewife as she efficiently multi-tasks her various responsibilities whilefighting off the patriarchal norms that are deeply rooted in an Indian society.
Radhika Apte said,“For me Mrs Undercover is special for many reasons. Not only spy comedy is an unexplored genre in India, but in my very first narration of this film I fell for my character of Durga. Durga is funny, kind, sincere, she is also clumsy and unsure of herself, and this film is her journey of discovering her own strength. Every household has a Durga- a woman who quietly goes about her work and doesn’t get her due because she is considered ‘just’ a housewife. However, this film fights that mentality which prevails in our patriarchal society, and it’s done beautifully under the guise of humour”.
Sumeet Vyas said,”The way the storyline of Mrs Undercover is crafted and shaped is unprecedented in Indian cinema – a unique spy comedy which is written and directed by a female and fronted by Radhika Apte. The film showcases the strength, courage, and resilience of a housewife who is always undermined. Mrs Undercover is a complete package that packs a punch with all the elements that make for a great story.Amidst the clutter of genres and stories, I am glad that the team thought of this empowering narrative and offered me this grey character which was fun and exciting to play. Lastly, I am happy to associate with ZEE5 once again”.
Director Anushree Mehtasaid,“Being a cinema lover turned filmmaker, I have made Mrs. Undercover for audiences who want to watch wholesome, paisa vasool family entertainers. Spy movies have had my heart for years and comedy is something I swear by. My first had to be a mix of both. And the need of the hour is of a masala entertainer headlined by a woman that gives out a message to every household that the homemaker; the woman of your house is capable of more than you think she is. If she is underestimated, she can & will transform into Maa Durga; of who, a woman is an absolute personification of. And to achieve this dream film, I had the best team: the phenomenally talented Radhika Apte, the versatile performer Sumeet Vyas, the very amazing Rajesh Sharma & my rock-solid producing partner Abir Sengupta. I couldn’t have asked for more!”.
‘Mrs. Undercover’ is all set to premiere exclusively on ZEE5 on 14th April 2023!
About ZEE5:
ZEE5 is India’s and Bharat’s largest homegrown video streaming platform and the multilingual storyteller for millions of entertainment seekers. ZEE5 stems from the stable of ZEE Entertainment Enterprises Limited (ZEEL), a Global Content Powerhouse. An undisputed video streaming platform of choice for consumers; it offers an expansive and diverse library of content comprising over 3,400+ films; 200+ TV shows, 170+ originals and 5 lakhs+ hours of on-demand content. The content offering spread across 12 languages (English, Hindi, Bengali, Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Marathi, Oriya, Bhojpuri, Gujarati, and Punjabi) includes best of Originals, Indian and International Movies, TV Shows, Music, Kids shows, Edtech, Cineplays, News, Live TV, and Health & Lifestyle. A strong deep-tech stack, stemming from its partnerships with global tech disruptors, has enabled ZEE5 to offer a seamless and hyper-personalised content viewing experience in 12 navigational languages across multiple devices, ecosystems, and operating systems.