Chief Secretary Santhi Kumari held a review meeting at the BRKR Bhavan on Monday regarding issues to be raised at the Inter-State Council/ Southern Zonal Council meeting scheduled for May 5 in Chennai.
She reviewed issues connected to the AP Reorganization Act and other Inter-State issues regarding irrigation, education, health, energy, industries, SCCL, panchayat raj, labour and employment and other departments.
The Chief Secretary directed officials to submit information about the issues to be raised at the Southern Zonal Council meeting on pending dues, clearances, and the 9th and 10th Schedule issues.
Special Chief Secretaries Rani Kumudini, Sunil Sharma, Rajat Kumar, K. Ramakrishna Rao, Principal Secretaries Sandeep Kumar Sultania, SCCL CMD Sridhar, Secretaries Sheshadri, Srinivasa Raju, Raghunandan Rao, Vakati Karuna, Endowments Commissioner Anil Kumar and other officials attended the meeting.