Open spaces, varying from a few hundred yards to about an acre, which is often neglected, used as dump yards and over a period of time turn into a place for consuming alcohol or illegal activities, will soon be transformed into vibrant living spaces using urban acupuncture.
As part of the efforts for the rejuvenation of public open spaces through meaningful urban design, the Municipal Administration and Urban Development (MA&UD) Department signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Hyderabad Lab Foundation.
Following a detailed presentation by the Hyderabad Urban Lab Foundation to Minister for Municipal Administration KT Rama Rao, MA and UD Special Chief Secretary Arvind Kumar, the MoU was signed to promote sustainable models, tools and best practices for urban innovation and sustainable urbanisation.
A review meeting, attended by legislators from the city, senior officials of Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation, CDMA and other departments, deliberated on the progress of works of the Strategic Nala Development Works (SNDP).
It is strongly felt that the MAUD, along with Revenue and GHMC, should identify and inventories all such land parcels and over a period of time develop them into meaningful public activities such as libraries, play areas, social gathering place and a point for economic convergence. The effective use of urban design and architecture can set the plan for the development of such sites in consultation with local stakeholders.
Jaime Lerner coined the term “urban acupuncture” to describe inventions which can “heal, improve and create positive chain reaction.” It includes making the place safe for women, efficient public toilets, rejuvenating local markets, clearing C&D dumps and reclaiming such lands.
Citizens are requested to send the list of such open spaces (Twitter @TSmaudonline or @ghmconline or contact the local Dy Commissioner / Zonal Commissioner of GHMC) which are in their neighbourhood and is neglected/misused/likely to get encroached on so that all such locations can be developed meaningfully.