Indian wrestler Vinesh Phogat’s appeal against her disqualification from Olympic Games final has been rejected by the ad-hoc division of the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS), the IOA said on Wednesday and lashed out at “inhumane regulations” that fail to consider the “physiological and psychological stresses faced by athletes”.
The 29-year-old Vinesh was disqualified for being 100gm overweight at the time of the weigh-in on the morning of the women’s 50kg freestyle final last week.
In a statement, IOA President PT Usha expressed “shock and disappointment at the decision of the Sole Arbitrator at the CAS to dismiss wrestler Vinesh Phogat’s application against the United World Wrestling (UWW) and the International Olympic Committee (IOC).”
“The operative part of the August 14 decision, which dismisses Vinesh’s application to be awarded a shared silver medal in women’s 50 kg category at the Paris Olympic Games has significant implications for her in particular and the sporting community at large,” the IOA stated.