From more than three days of water tankers delay, the HMWSSB has now been supplying water tankers to consumers within 24 hours of booking. Water board Managing Director C Sudarshan Reddy complimented officers and staff of the board achievment.
On Saturday the HMWSSB released a press release, where it mentioned that during this summer more than 30,000 consumers depended only on water board tankers for drinking and normal uses.
The HMWSSB said that to meet the demand, the water board increased water tankers from 584 on March 1 to 872 tankers on May 17. A total of water filling stations have been increased from 72 to 89.the board received 3,150 tanker bookings On March 1 but the number increased to 4,065 on May 17. More than 1,500 tanker deliveries have been increased in a 78 days of time. The board supplied 1,70,000 tankers in 31 days of March but 1,41,550 tankers were supplied in 17 days of May. Along with those, the board increased drivers and workers for people of Hyderabad to supply water.
To mitigate the water problem emergency pumping was started with 10 pumps in Nagarjuna Sagar Reservoir on April 20 as per the directives of the state government. On the other hand, MD Sudarshan Reddy continuously monitored the situation in the city. He held meetings constantly with the field level staff and senior officials of the water board and prepared special plans for supplying the tankers for consumers within 24 hours of time.
580 million gallons per day MGD of water was supplied this summer. Compared to last year, Jalamandali has supplied 20 MGD of additional water to the city residents.