Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Why people want Modi to come to power again and again?

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We are on the verge of coming to power again for the third time in a row. The BJP is certain to get majority of the seats. I know the sentiments of the people of the nation. We are going to take several crucial decisions during the third term. The decisions will lay a strong foundation for the nation for at least 1,000 years. The country is going to become the third largest economy during the third term”, remarked PM Narendra Modi during a discussion in Rajya Sabha in February this year.
There is no wonder almost all exit polls predicting triumphant majority for Narendra Modi bringing the BJP to the power for the third time in a row. Either PM Modi or the BJP did not have any qualms about the NDA coming to power for the third time on the strength of a huge majority.
The people of the country have clearly told their views to the representatives of the organisations that conducted the exit polls.  Surprisingly, the Opposition parties have spun a concocted story and took the message of BJP not going to get the number of seats this time like it got earlier to the people rather forcefully.
The Opposition promised to deliver social justice and distribution of resources free of cost among the people. It also approached the people saying that democracy and the Indian Constitution are in peril. In each and every State, some pseudo-intelligentsia launched anti-BJP propaganda and intensified it. Hundreds of books have been written, articles have been published, but the people did not believe in them as evidenced by the BJP about to come to power with a huge majority of seats.  
The Congress in its first page of the election manifesto released a dart aiming the people. It questioned whether the lives of the people are far better now compared to their lives prior to 2014.  The question prompted the people to ponder deeply. Atrocities perpetrated and several unsavoury incidents that had taken place prior to 2014 flashed across their minds. These include starvation deaths, spate of suicides by farmers, incidents of outraging modesty of women, communal riots, lynching of the Sikhs, pulling the rug under the feet of the democratically-elected governments,  lodging those who questioned the atrocities of government behind bars, honouring those who played the second fiddle to a single political family with plum posts, large-scale scams right from the Bofors scandal to 2G scam involving several lakhs of crores, appeasement politics and losing the self-respect as Indians. The people recalled all these incidents.
If everything is right prior to 2014, why should Modi approach the people in 2014 like a tsunami? Why should the people set aside coalition governments and give full majority to the BJP and vote it to power? Why did the people give mandate to Modi with a huge majority in 2019 elections too?  Finally, people have elected blemish-free leader who is capable of honouring the self-respect of India and find it a suitable place on global map.
During the Corona pandemic situation, Modi did what the people wanted him to do to keep the nation united and to boost the morale of the people. As 140 crore people of the nation have reposed their faith in Modi’s leadership, he took several bold decisions. He lent largescale support to the business and industrial organisations and to the MSME sector.  He did away with the outdated laws and introduced digital economy and made people part of the banking system. At a time the economies of the global nations are showing recession, Indian economy developed as the fifth largest economy.
Modi taught a bitter lesson to Pakistan as it encouraged sneaking of terrorists into the country through porous points on border. The Indian Army crossed into the Pakistan territory and taught a lesson to it.  China also attempted to undertake a misadventure towards the nation, but at last it had to backtrack.
There were many instances of leaders of super powers like Putin, Biden have extended their hands of friendship to Modi and praised his foreign policy.  He tightened his belt to integrate Jammu and Kashmir, a problem which has attained cancerous proportions since India became independent, with the rest of the nation. Abrogation of Article 370 applied brakes on the misdeeds of Pakistan in Kashmir. The building of Ram temple at Ayodhya ended the historic blunder committed 500 years ago.  He rendered justice to Muslim women, who have been rendered injustice for over several decades, by annulling triple talaq.  
Modi, who knows the people’s pulse approached them with the slogan of Modi’s guarantee to exploit the regard the people have for him for the benefit of the party. In fact, Modi dedicated his life to serve the public deserting his spouse.  Like Sankaracharya developed strong bond towards his mother, Modi also shared good bond with mother. But, he is always above the familial relations.
This is the objective behind Modi declaring that he is able to take bold decisions as the Almighty wants to use him as a medium to achieve major accomplishments.  Showing the Opposition parties their right place is also the wish of the God. However, it would be the collective decision of the people.

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