Nara Lokesh has promised to release the job calendar on January 1, 2025 when the TDP comes to power every year. As part of the Yuva Galam Padayatra, Nara Lokesh participated in an interview program with the youth of Chandragiri at Irrangaripalli.
He spoke on this occasion and said that if Telugu Desam comes to power will provide free bus pass up to PG. He said they cancel Vidya Deevena and pay the fees directly to the colleges and assured that they will completely change the state board syllabus from KG to PG and bring radical changes in education.
He emphasised on the reforms to be brought in the judicial system and said that facilities for judiciary will be increased.Lokesh alleged that YS Jagan has stopped the construction of the court complex. Nara Lokesh called on youth to register their votes to bring back TDP government.