Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan said on Saturday that search and rescue operations in disaster-hit Wayanad are in their final stages, but 206 people remain missing.
Addressing the media here, Vijayan said there is difficulty in identifying the dead bodies and parts recovered from the Chaliyar river.
“Till now, 215 bodies have been recovered, of which 87 are women, 98 are men, and 30 are children. As many as 148 bodies have been handed over so far. There are 206 people missing. Eighty-one people are injured and are under treatment in various hospitals,” he said.
The chief minister said 67 bodies are yet to be identified, and the panchayats will do the last rites.
He added that the search operations are continuing, involving 1,419 personnel from the Fire Force, NDRF, Forest Department, Police, Indian Army, and volunteers from Tamil Nadu.
K-9 squads and the Tamil Nadu Medical Team are also participating, the chief minister said, adding that advanced equipment like Human Rescue Radar and drone-based radar are also being used. Referring to the rehabilitation efforts, Vijayan said a secure region will be identified, and a township will be constructed.