Uppal police apprehended six accused persons and seized 68 fake tickets of IPL cricket match which were created by copying the barcode of the access accreditation issued to the accused.
The arrested are Komatreddy Govardhan Reddy, Akheel Ahmed, Peggidi Mrudul Vamsi, Mohammad Faheem, Mohammad Ajaj.
The seized articles are 68 fake IPL tickets, three accreditation cards, six cell phones, one CPU, along with a hard disc, monitor and a printer.
The accused Govardhan Reddy is working as a sub-contractor to Euphony Events and Entertainment vendor agency. The role of the A-1 in the company is supplying manpower for events. There was a requirement of manpower for ticket validators in IPL matches.
Accordingly, the accused A-1 hired A-2, A-3, A-5 and A-6 as validators for IPL matches. The accused A-1 to A-3, A-5 and A-6 planned to create fake IPL match tickets by copying the barcode from the accreditation card issued to them. The accused A2 copied the barcode of the accreditation card issued to the accused A3 in his cell phone and sent it to A4 who runs a Xerox shop at Chikkadpally in the name of NR Xerox online service centre.
The A5, who works in an online tickets redemption outlet at the store of makers of milk shakes, Tarnaka, provided the sample empty template of the ticket which is used for printing tickets. The accused created about 200 IPL match tickets for SRS Vs Mumbai Indians which was to be held on April 18  with the help of the accused A4 and some of them were sold to the needy cricket fans to get illegal amounts.