In a landmark initiative, the Ramagundam Police Commissioner, M Srinivas inaugurated the Police Duty Meet on Thursday, marking the first of its kind in Telangana. The meet is taking place within the Kaleshwaram zone, involving police personnel from the districts of Peddapalli, Mancherial, Komaram Bheem Asifabad, Jayashankar Bhupalpally and Mulugu.
The event aimed at recognising the talents of police officers and enhancing their professional skills. It features various competitions designed to promote excellence in policing. Activities include scientific aids to investigation, where participants engage in practical and written tests on forensic science, crime scene management, and criminal law.
Another focus of the meet is anti-sabotage checks, encompassing vehicle searches, ground and room searches, and access control protocols. Additionally, a computer awareness competition aims to improve skills in office automation and programming, reflecting the modern demands of policing.
In a significant component of the event, a sniffer dog squad competition will showcase the abilities of trained dogs in tracking, explosive detection, and narcotics searches, further emphasising the multifaceted approach to law enforcement.
During the inauguration, Police Commissioner Srinivas emphasised the importance of such initiatives in fostering professional growth among police personnel.
The event is attended by several dignitaries, including Mancherial DCP A Bhaskar, Additional DCP (Admin) C Raju, Godavarikhani ACP Ramesh, CCS ACP Venkataswamy, Mulugu ASP Ramulu, and other police officers and staff from various districts. Their presence underscores the collaborative spirit of the meet and its significance in strengthening the law enforcement community in Telangana.
As the Police Duty Meet unfolds, it is poised to contribute significantly to the professional development of the state’s police force, ensuring they are well-equipped to meet the challenges of modern policing. The ongoing sessions will provide a platform for sharing best practices and enhancing coordination among different police units, ultimately benefiting the communities they serve.