AP DGP KV Rajendranath Reddy has said that Andhra Pradesh police has stood first in the top five states in terms of public trust, efficiency and honesty in the survey conducted by the Government of India (GoI) and private agencies. He said that it is a moment of pride for the Government of Andhra Pradesh and the Police department. He said various initiatives taken up last year by the AP Police department yielded the best results. DGP Rajendranath Reddy said that in the Public Trust category, AP grabbed the first place followed by Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Gujarat, and Delhi.
In the Efficiency category, Telugu States Andhra Pradesh and Telangana stood first and second respectively followed by Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, and Jharkhand. The DGP explained that in the Honesty category, Andhra Pradesh got first place followed by Uttarakhand, Telangana, Gujarat and Delhi.
DGP Rajendranath Reddy said that the Union government conducted a DGPs conference with Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Union Home Minister Amit Shah from January 20 to 22 in New Delhi, during which performances of the states were reviewed. The Union government on Friday communicated about the ranks in the survey, he added.
DGP Rajendranth said that the initiatives of AP police like 1.7 crore registrations of Disha applications, shifting to conviction-based investigations, people- friendly policing, quick police response by the usage of technology, and inculcating a sense of discipline among the police had helped AP police. He thanked Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy-led AP government for the support in achieving the results.