With the Supreme Court refusing to intervene with the Andhra Pradesh High Court’s order in the three capitals case, the present situation does not seem to be conducive for Chief Minister Y S Jagan Mohan Reddy to work from the port city of Visakhapatnam as announced by him in the Cabinet meeting. The AP High Court in its verdict stated that Amaravati should be the capital city of AP. A few days ago, the CM announced in the Cabinet meeting that he would start working from Visakhapatnam from July 2023.
He hoped that decks would be cleared by the Apex Court to work from Visakhapatnam but that did not happen.
Sources said that Jagan Mohan Reddy cannot officially announce that Visakhapatnam would be the Executive capital city of the State as long as it is pending in Supreme Court.
Significantly, the court also denied the pleas of the AP government’s lawyers that the Amaravati case be taken up for trial immediately and the Apex court posted the case to July 11, 2023. The government lawyers finally pleaded to the Apex court to hear the case in April.
But Justice Joseph and Justice BV Nagarathna declined to entertain the request stating that there are many arguments to be heard in the case and it is not possible to post the case in April.