Rajya Sabha MP GVL Narasimha Rao has alleged that the YSRC government has completely failed in its four-year rule, the government has landed in a situation where it is unable to pay salaries to the employees and will face the consequences in the days to come. GVL said that both the YSRC and TDP governments have deceived the people by telling lies and will face the consequences in the coming elections. The people of AP are against YSRC and TDP and the only alternative in AP is BJP and Jana Sena alliance, he said.
Addressing the media persons here on Sunday, GVL Narasimha Rao welcomed and extended best wishes to the new Governor of AP, Abdul Nazeer.
The MP further said that despite giving money to Railway projects, the Jagan government is incompetent and careless. The State government is refusing support to the projects that are already sanctioned and acting irresponsibly.
The BJP MP stated that the Centre had provided additional assistance of 7,000 crore, but there is no development and the people of the State are criticising the government. The government is trying to throw the blame on the Centre. Like TDP, YSRC is sure to suffer a big blow, said the MP.
He criticised the YSRC MPs’ incompetence, telling lies that reflected on the projects in AP. The government is not bothered to develop industrial zones in the State including Visakhapatnam which will have an effect on the forthcoming Summit. He further said that existing industries are being driven out of the State.