In an effort to promote environmental sustainability, Shadnagar MLA Veerlapalli Shankar and Mahbubnagar MLC Nagarkunta Naveen Kumar Reddy kicked off a five-day Cleanliness and Greenery programme at the Shadnagar Municipality office. Organised under the leadership of Municipal Chairman Narender and Commissioner Cheema Venkanna, the event saw a large turnout of local residents, government employees, and officials.
Addressing the gathering, MLA Veerlapalli Shankar emphasised that cleanliness and greenness are continuous processes vital for societal well-being. He stressed that these responsibilities extend beyond government officials and require active participation from all citizens. MLC Nagar Kunta Naveen Kumar Reddy echoed these sentiments, highlighting that such programmes significantly enhance the quality of life in both urban and rural areas.
As part of the programme’s launch, MLA Shankar and MLC Naveen Kumar Reddy planted saplings in front of the Municipal Office, symbolizing the start of the campaign. They urged the community to engage actively in maintaining cleanliness and greenery in their surroundings.
During the event, Shankar suggested that the municipality simplify the process of obtaining permissions for construction of houses. He suggested that sanitation programmes should be taken up as a collective movement, involving mutual understanding and cooperation among residents. He emphasized the importance of preparing a plan that encourages community involvement and long-term commitment to cleanliness and greenery.
MLA Shankar also advised Municipal Chairman Narender to develop a comprehensive municipal master plan.
This plan would inform residents about town planning and other relevant aspects to ensure smooth implementation and avoid any inconveniences.