Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao announced the names of Deshapati Srinivas, K. Naveen Kumar and Challa Venkatrami Reddy as candidates in the Legislative Council elections in the MLAs’ quota.
Deshapati Srinivas is OSD to KCR. Naveen is an MLC who got re-nominated. Challa Venkatarami Reddy is the kin of former President Neelam Sanjiva Reddy.
KCR asked the candidates to file their nominations on March 9. The Chief Minister directed Legislative Assembly Affairs Minister Vemula Prashanth Reddy and BRS General Secretary Palla Rajeshwar Reddy to make arrangements regarding this.
The names of the two candidates who will be nominated by the Governor will be announced after the Cabinet meeting.
Another poet has been added to the MLC List in Telangana. Rasamyi Balakishan and Goreti Venkanna will be joined by the famous poet and writer Desapati Srinivas who is now functioning as OSD in the CMO.
Srinivas played a vital role in the Telangana movement. He took part in many programmes and raised arguments for the formation of a separate state of Telangana. Deshapati Srinivas was born to Gopalakrishna and Bala Saraswati in the Munigadapa village near Gajwel. He is proficient in Telugu, Sanskrit, English and Urdu. His grandfather was a great Sanskrit scholar. Challa Venkatrami Reddy met the CM and thanked him for giving him an opportunity to contest to the Council.