Hyderabad Commissioner of Police CV Anand on Monday asked police personnel to curb property-related crimes as they have risen to 85 % in the city.
He also stressed the need to expedite investigation into some of the crucial cases, FSL reports and chargesheets. ACP s were asked to specifically focus on them. Emphasising the importance of crime detection, Anand stressed on the concerted efforts among the clues and investigative teams as it allows for a more comprehensive approach in tracing, analysing patterns and modus operendi, building evidence, database – all that helps in ensuring detection, conviction and prevention too. During the meeting, threadbare discussion was also held regarding resolving grievances pertaining to cyber crimes and narcotics, capacity building at PSs and quality investigations.
There was discussion on the reorganisation of Hyderabad City Police and the accommodation of the new police stations and acp/ dcp offices, manpower redistribution, vehicles etc, during the crime review meeting at the Telangana State Police Integrated Command and Control Centre.
Addressing the gathering, Anand said, “Drones and Cameras Maintenance Organisation (D-CAMO) is now operational and there is an expansion of CCTV network. Leveraging IT & Data Analytics, the “Fitcop” initiative, meant for monitoring and improving the health of police personnel progressed by leaps and bounds covering 16,008 of the total police force in the city.”
The officers also deliberated over optimising human resources in CAR and other administrative issues. The performance of patrols and Blue Colts was also reviewed during the meeting.