Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao invited delegates participating in the BRS general body meeting and officials to reach the new Secretariat by 12.45 PM on April 30. KCR said that the inauguration will take place in Pushkara Amsha.
Addressing the BRS general body meeting at the Telangana Bhavan on Thursday, KCR said that Ministers should go to their respective chambers between 1.58 PM and 2.04 PM. There will be a briefing meeting on the ground floor of the Secretariat.
After that, the programme will end with a lunch. He said that the CM, Ministers, MPs and MLAs will enter through the main gate and that the three gates, North East gate is meant for official traffic. South East is intended for general visitors, KCR said.
The Chief Minister said that the Delhi BRS office will be opened on May 4. Martyrs Memorial will be inaugurated on June 1 and Telangana Foundation Day celebrations will be held on June 2.