Monday, February 10, 2025

Feeding healthy now for a better tomorrow

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Do you wonder, what’s the right nutrition that needs to be given to your infants and toddlers? Here, The Pioneer brings to you a detailed analysis on proper nutrition and healthy food habits for your infants.

K. Ramya Sree

From birth to adulthood, proper infant nutrition is essential to a child’s continuous health. Proper nutrition has a factor in lowering morbidity and mortality, lowering the chance of developing chronic diseases later in life, and supporting regular mental and physical development, the first three years of a child’s life are especially crucial.

The first year of the baby is crucial for their healthy growth and development.Many essential developments are influenced by their food habits as they quickly need more energy and nutrients to build their immunity and muscles.To help your baby grow into a smart and energetic toddler, it is significantly important to check up on each ingredient that goes into their stomach and you be on a healthy food guide.

In an interview with The Pioneer, Dr. Susanta K Badatya, MBBS, MD (Pediatrics), DNB (Neonatology) Apollo Cradle and Children’s Hospital, explained in detail the process of feeding children from the infant stage to toddler age. She said, “For newborn babies, breastmilk continues to be a vital source of nutrition. However, it needs to be supplemented with certain healthy foods as soon as the baby turns 6 months.

This helps them keep up with their growing needs. Any lack of nutrition can increase the risk of illness and result in weak immunity which could further lead to infections and malnutrition in some cases.”

Breastmilk is the key:

The doc suggests new moms to stick to breastmilk at least for 4 to 6 months of age. “After that, it is necessary to start feeding them some solid foods and make them familiar with different varieties of foods.Try to introduce the baby to the taste of mashed bananas, avocados, carrots, sweet potatoes, apples, and pears. Mash them or make a fine paste like a pulp to make it easier for them to gulp the food down.These foods are rich in vitamins, proteins, and irons that are necessary for the baby’s growth and also soothe their taste buds.”

Time to shift from a liquefied diet:

When the baby turns 6 months old, breastmilk and liquefied diet cannot suffice the baby’s growth and body requirements at this stage.They need to be introduced to some solid foods that are not completely mashed.“Preparing a meal of rice and pulses or vegetables in semi-solid form is one of the better options.This provides a great combination required for the healthy development of the baby.At this stage, mothers can also feed them with porridge (semolina), wheat flour, ground rice, ragi, millet, etc., along with breast milk or formula milk,” added the doctor.

Introducing family food:

Another important step is that once the child has started developing the taste of semi-solids, it’s time to make their meal healthier which other family members also consume. Dr. Susanta suggested, “Start including mixed foods like khichadi, dalia, kheer, vegetable upma, dhokla, etc. Make sure the food is light and soft i.e. easier to chew and digest for the baby. These foods can provide full energy to the baby that will help them in carrying out their developmental activities like cell development. Besides this, babies can be given protective foods like boiled eggs, fish, chicken, milk, etc. which are vital for their healthy development.”

Consider Vitamin D as a priority:

If breastfeeding is not enough, it is necessary to check with the pediatrician or the baby’s dietician about fulfilling the baby’s vitamin-D’s requirements.“Remember, even when the baby grows healthily, it is still imperative to boost its growth with essential vitamins.If the dietician recommends certain sources of Vitamin D to include in the baby’s diet, do not take a chance and readily do that – this will help the baby absorb calcium, phosphorus and other nutrients essential for the development of stronger bones.”

Maintain a constant supply of milk

With any variation of food, make sure you maintain a constant supply of milk at regular intervals. This should be preferably mother’s milk as it contains essential nutrients that can enhance the immunity of the baby. According to her, some mothers are unable to breastfeed their babies and replace them with external milk. In that scenario, the milk has to be pasteurized and diluted to make sure it does not harm their gut or make it heavy.  

Asked about some of the important things to remember while feeding children, the doctor concluded the interview by saying: “For a baby’s healthy development, a proper feeding routine has to be followed. If you are unable to breastfeed or the baby is not accepting breast milk, immediately get in touch with a lactation consultant or the pediatrician.

In addition, if the baby is not gaining any weight or you are not seeing any physical development in their body’s strength or movement, consult with the baby’s doctor immediately. In the initial 08 months, strictly avoid unnecessary salt and sugar.

Furthermore, nuts, honey, raw carrots, tea or coffee also need to be avoided. Make sure you keep your baby away from packed food or juices and do not lure their taste buds with salty and spicy snacks.”

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