The Kulsumpura police arrested a group of individuals in connection with a murder case that took place in Jiyaguda on Friday. The accused individuals are Baid Yogesh, Naigode Shankar, Ballem Sharath Kumar, Konde Varun Rao, Akash (absconding), Bodi Mahesh, and Kallukotala Raja Swamy. The victim was identified as Mohammed Sohail, a 16-year-old student from Syed Ali Guda, Asifnagar. Bhosle Deepak Kumar, a delivery boy from Girkapally, Karwan, was also injured in the attack.
According to the complaint filed by Bhosle Deepak Kumar, he and Sohail went to a petrol bunk on 100 feet road, Jiyaguda, to get petrol in an empty bottle as there was no petrol in their bike. When they were walking from Kamela market, a group of 5 to 6 unknown people, including Sharath whom Bhosle Deepak knew, approached them. The group demanded to know the whereabouts of Faizan, accusing him of stealing Yogesh’s bike. Bhosle said he did not know where Faizan was, and the group got angry, abused and beat them. The group then took them to Tadban Road, Bahadurpura, where Sohail was beaten to death, while Bhosle was injured.
The Kulsumpura police seized six mobile phones and two two-wheelers, which were used in the commission of the crime. The accused individuals were presented before the court and have been remanded to judicial custody.
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