Civil Supplies Minister Gangula Kamalakar has assured that the government will buy soaked paddy too. He said the government will help farmers who had lost their crops to unseasonal rains and that a compensation of Rs 10,000 per acre will be provided.
He said that paddy purchasing centres have been set up on time and that due to the foresight of Chief Minister KCR, the losses were minimised as purchase centres were set up in advance.
Along with the Choppadandi, Gangadara and Hujurabad mandals of Karimnagar district, it has been revealed that there was a complete loss of crop in 5,000 acres in the six villages of Chaman Pally, Taher Kondapur, Fakir Pate, Jubilee Nagar, Cherlaboothkur, Mugdumpur and other villages of Karimnagar Rural.
He said that Rs 8.5 crore has been released as the first instalment of damage for crop losses in the district and soon they will be handed over to farmers. The full extent of the loss will be assessed within two to three days, he added.