Hyderabad Mayor Gadwala Vijayalakshmi said that she is being accused as if she had unleashed stray dogs to kill the boy. She was furious that everyone was criticising her as if she told the dogs to go and bite the boy. “No matter how many obstacles come, women should move forward. Working as the Mayor of Hyderabad is not that easy. In the incident where the boy died in the attack by stray dogs, I was criticised a lot. If a dog bites someone, people are immediately blaming me as if I unleashed the dog on that person.”
The Mayor, who has already faced severe criticism from the public once in the case of the death of a boy in the attack by stray dogs in Amberpet, has once again made interesting comments while responding to the same incident. Mayor Vijayalakshmi, who participated in Women’s Day celebrations, said that women are competing in all fields. She wished to give special recognition to women in the BRS.
The GHMC administration has been criticised for its failure to stop stray dogs. Today, she indirectly responded to these criticisms. Stray dog attacks are taking place in many districts of the state. The government has announced that it is taking steps to control stray dogs.
Vijayalaxmi blamed the patriarchal mindset for unrelenting criticism against her. She said some people cannot tolerate women who are moving ahead in every sphere of life.
Later, Mayor Vijayalakshmi, Deputy Mayor Mothe Sreelatha Shobhan Reddy, along with corporators gave a cheque worth Rs 9,71,900 ex gratia to the family of the deceased boy.
She said that measures are being taken to prevent recurrence of such incidents. The Mayor said that steps have been taken to control stray dogs and apart from that, school students, slum, town level and residential welfare associations are being made aware at the field level.