Director General Vigilance and Enforcement (V&E) Dr. Shankhabrata Bagchi, at a review meeting with the Regional Vigilance and Enforcement Officers (RV & EOs), has stressed the need to conduct more raids on hoarders and black marketeers.
The director general of V&E conducted a review meeting with the RV & EOs of the State on Thursday on the performance of the units for the financial year 2022-23. During the review meeting the work done by all Units with regard to the targets fixed to detect the revenue leakage which causes loss to the government exchequer and the percentage of achievements was held.
The highlights during the review meeting are to prepare the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) in respect of all kinds of raids/inspections. It was instructed by the RV&EOs to conduct more raids on hoarders and black marketers. The meeting also reviewed the inspections conducted on government and private institutions.
Criminal cases registered under the Essential Commodities Act, 1954, and other sections of the law were reviewed besides the Status of pending inquiries reviewed and proposals sent for binding over habitual offenders under the Essential Commodities Act, 1954 were reviewed.
Officers doing good work were encouraged and they were instructed to build up a strong network of informants to collect information about leakages of government revenue and wasteful expenditure of Government funds.
Any information with regard to any allegation/Government revenue leakages, etc. may be sent by any member of the public directly to the Director General, Vigilance & Enforcement through message, phone call or WhatsApp to the number 9440906254.