BSP Chief Mayawati is likely to visit Telangana in May. Telangana BSP leaders are trying to make her attend the huge public meeting named ‘Bharosa’ being held most probably on May 7 at the Saroor Nagar Grounds. BSP leaders would announce the date of the public meeting soon.
Mayawati is coming to Telangana for the first time after RS Praveen Kumar became the president of the BSP in Telangana.
BSP sources said the party’s leaders are trying to make the public meeting a success, by bringing leaders from not only Telangana but also from Andhra Pradesh.
Besides giving confidence to the unemployed in the State, the BSP leaders would also ask Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao about his assurances to Dalits and other groups.
BSP state president RS Praveen Kumar has been meeting students in universities, coaching centres and in libraries across the state after the TSPSC leakage. The BSP is planning to attract unemployed youth and students to Mayawati’s public meeting to make it a success, it is learnt.