Minister for Information Technology KT Rama Rao released a mobile application for “Abhaya My Taxi” for a safe journey – the first one designed for the safety of commuters – at the valedictory function of the police sports held at the mini stadium here on Tuesday.
He appreciated the police for unveiling the QR Code to provide safe journey to commuters travelling by auto-rickshaws and cabs.
After gathering relevant documents from the owners of auto rickshaws and cabs and after digitalising the documents, the QR Code has evolved.
While travelling by auto-rickshaws, if the QR Code is scanned, the photograph of the driver and other particulars will pop up. Then three options will appear on the screen – emergency call, emergency text and emergency complaint rating.
If the commuter responds by clicking on the emergency call or emergency text, the location of the auto-rickshaw will reach the command and control centre. The information would be relayed to the nearest police patrolling vehicles.
Rude behaviour of the auto-rickshaw driver, rash driving, drunk driving, and hit-and-run complaints can be lodged through the mobile application. At the same time, the commuters can give a rating to the vehicle.
The QR Code will help prevent crimes, thereby passengers will be able to reach their destination safely, he said.
District Superintendent of Police Akhil Mahajan and others were present.