TDP national general secretary Nara Lokesh’s Yuva Galam Padayatra continues for the third day in Kuppam constituency. The Padayatra started from Shantipuram camp site while Lokesh took the blessings of the party leaders in Badumakallapalle and participated held a discussion with locals at K. Gettapalli Junction.
On this occasion, Lokesh fired on Jagan during a women’s meeting as part of the yatra. He spoke in the meeting with women on this occasion. Lokesh alleged that Jagan had also deceived the women with false promises of abolishing the alcohol. Lokesh asked how Jagan will ask votes from women in 2024 after failing to abolish alocohol. He questioned whether pension was given to the women of age 45 years.
Nara Lokesh has also alleged that there is no Disha Law in the state and the atrocities against the women has increased in the state. He also said the prices essential commodities have increased and assured that all these prices will be reduced after TDP comes to power. The women who turned up to the Padayatra briefed their problem to Nara Lokesh who assured of all support from TDP in coming days.