Additional Collector J Srinivas had directed officials to prepare the necessary action plan for procurement of rabi paddy.
He reviewed the arrangements for procurement of rabi paddy with the officials in his chambers at collectorate here on Tuesday.
He asked the Indira Kranti Patham (IKP) and Primary Agricultural Cooperative Societies (PACS) officials to take steps to open more procurement centers. He wanted the officials to take foolproof measures for procurement of the paddy.
He asked them to make all arrangements for procurement of paddy, including the measures to prevent the paddy from getting drenched.
The proposed procurement centers should have equipment to measure moisture of paddy, weighing measures and tarpaulins and other amenities.
The state government has fixed the MSP of Rs 2203 a quintal to the grade-A variety of paddy and Rs 2183 a quintal for ordinary variety.
He asked the officials of concerned departments to take suitable measures to procure paddy. He asked the agriculture department to submit him reports on area under paddy crop in rabi season and the quantity of paddy being brought to the market.
Prior to the commencement of the procurement season, the officials should sensitise the farmers extensively on various issues including that of the MSP.
The procurement centers should be located in accessible areas. The centers should be located at a distance of 5 km from villages.
Every procurement center should have at least 40 tarpaulins. Similarly, prior to commencement of the season gunny bags should be kept ready. He asked the rice millers to submit the list of rice mills prior to the commencement of the procurement season. They should keep ready necessary hamalis. The procured paddy should be stored in authorized places only. They should take steps to return the gunny bags after procuring the paddy.
Officials told to prepare action for procurement of paddy
Civil supplies district manager Nageswara Rao, district supplies officer V venkateswarlu, DRDO Nagireddy, district marketing officer Srikant, legal metrology official Ramakrishna and others were present on the occasion.