Celebrating Hanuman Jayanti, visionary director Prasanth Varma from the Prasanth Varma Cinematic Universe (PVCU) unveiled an exciting new poster for his upcoming film, Jai...
Teja Sajja’s Hanu-Man is the first film from director Prasanth Varma’s Cinematic Universe, and the movie which awe-struck one and all with its teaser,...
Creative Director Prasanth Varma’s first film from his Cinematic Universe, Hanu-Man starring talented hero Teja Sajja wrapped up its entire shooting. They have now...
Prasanth Varma Cinematic Universe is a Pan-India shared universe of original Indian superhero movies created by creative director Prasanth Varma.The first feature of the...
Creative director Prashanth Varma is coming up with original Indian superhero film Hanu-Man. This is his second movie with the talented hero Teja Sajja,...