Director Prashanth Varma's "HanuMan" is the first superhero Telugu film. Teja Sajja, Amritha Aiyer, Varalakshi Sarath Kumar, and Samuthirakhani play the main leads. Although...
The year 2024 has been a tumultuous one for the Telugu film industry, with several high-profile controversies making headlines. Despite the industry witnessing some...
Prasanth Varma, director of the anticipated film HanuMan, addresses recent speculations about a cryptic post on his social media, clarifying that it was not...
According to recent reports, Ranveer Singh and HanuMan director Prasanth Varma are in negotiations for a hugely expensive period picture that will be set...
HanuMan, an Indie-superhero film directed by Prasanth Varma and starring Teja Sajja, has recently become one of the biggest hits in Indian movie history....
Contemporary cinema has evolved dramatically with the advancements in technology. Specifically, the widespread use of visual effects (VFX) has revolutionized the cinematic landscape, allowing...
HanuMan directed by Prashant Varma and produced by Niranjan Reddy on Primeshow Entertainments with Teja Sajja in the title role continues the strong trend....
Following the highly anticipated release of the 'HanuMan' trailer, the response from fans and critics alike has been nothing short of heartwarming.
The visionary director,...