The situation in Telangana is getting out of hand, Telangana BJP President Bandi Sanjay Kumar said and added that the conditions in TS are similar to the ones in Sri Lanka and Pakistan where economies have collapsed.
He tweeted regarding this on Monday and tagged a story published in the national media.
“This is 100% a failure of the BRS government. Is TS heading towards collapse like Pakistan and Sri Lanka? At 7.63%, inflation in Telangana is almost 200 basis points more than the national average. Blaming the Centre for the high inflation in Telangana won’t work. Higher inflation leaves less cash in the hands of people. Lower consumption will hurt growth and push up the cost of living. That will hurt the state vis-a-vis other states in attracting investments. @bjp4telangana demands to reduce VAT on fuel and take steps to control inflation,” Sanjay said in his tweet.