Actor Siva Rajkumar is one of the iconic heroes of the Kannada film industry. His upcoming film Vedha is going to be a special film for the actor, as the film not only marks his milestone of 125 films, but also his first venture under his home banner Geetha Pictures headed by his wife Geetha Siva Rajkumar.
Directed by A. Harsha, this action drama film released in Kannada on December 23 and created a sensation. Shivanna, Ghanvi Laxman, Aditi Sagar, Swetha Changappa, Umashree and many others acted in the film. The film will be released in Telugu on February 9.
Producer VR Krishna Mandapati said, “The first look of this movie as well as the motion poster have received a good response. This movie is going to be released in Telugu on February 9. I liked the story and bought this movie. A good movie is always appreciated by the Telugu audience. Many people tried to release this movie in Telugu. But I got a chance. We will organize a pre-release event for this movie soon. Needless to say, how much love the Shiva Rajkumar family has in our Telugu too, we also call them Shivanna. They will also attend this pre-release function. I am going to release more great movies soon under this Kanchi Kamakshi Calcutta Creations banner.”
Meanwhile, the team of the film have expressed a special gratitude to Pan-India star Prabhas who is supporting this film.